Sunday, January 21, 2007


Today I had the pleasure of sitting with my family at church. It has been a rarity since I was about 10. My parents and I don't go to the same church so I hardly ever get to worship with them. I am really glad that I got the chance to do that this morning. My parents and I are very different and I could even see in church today that we worship a lot different too. My first thoughts were negative of course. Like why are they so critical, why are they so spacey, why are they so talkative, why don't they pay attention, why do they ask so many questions, why don't they listen, etc, etc. But then after thinking about it...I am "they". I am a product of who they are. I am who I am because of who they are.

I learn to appreciate my family more and more everyday. I truly believe that God gave me to my parents because He knew that I would do my best by being raised by them. Am I saying that everybody has perfect parents and everyone grows up to be perfect? No, there are parents who neglect their kids, who abandon and abuse them. But I believe that God gives parents their children because the children have the most potential with those parents, whether the parents live up to their potential is their own choice. I don't know if that makes sense but I do know that God knew each and every one of us before we were in the womb. That he created every part of us. And I trust that He knows which child should go with which parent.

I love my family. I'm not saying I agree with everything they do and say or that it's always easy communicating with them or that we always get along perfectly. But I know that I would be much worse off without them. I am blessed to have the loving family that I do. I am blessed to have spent those moments in worship with my family this morning. I hope someday that my entire family will worship together in heaven, that we will get to spend eternity together with God.

As a side and ending note my dad made the comment that today he felt the most comfortable at my church than he ever had before. What a nice thought, people being comfortable in church...its something to work toward.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

A Recap

It's been a while, sorry about that. I've wanted to update tons of times, even started writing some entries and then got interrupted. Because it has been a long time I'll let you know what I've been up to since my last post. I took finals, they weren't too bad. Just one written test and four papers...could have been worse. My grades were pretty good, and I'm glad to be done with that semester. It's weird though to think that I only have 3 more semesters until I graduate from college, makes me feel kind of old.

The day after finals was over I started a seasonal job at the mall...personalizing ornaments. Yeah, totally not my thing but as always I need more money. And by far the best part was the oh so stylish bright red apron that I got to wear as my uniform in which I had to wear in front of thousands of people while running through the mall on my 15 minute break for dinner. As weird as it sounds, I'm still glad I did it though.

Then Christmas was amazing, I got to spend time with tons of people that I care about and it was highly enjoyable...I also got to eat A LOT. I got exactly what I wanted without telling anybody what it was, which is a huge blessing!!! My parents are paying my tuition this semester...I won't have to worry about money for 7 months, it's amazing. I almost started crying when they told me. God takes care of me so much more than I ever deserve.

A definite highlight since my last post is that I went to Passion 07. It's a Christian conference for college students. It was unbelievable, there were 25,000 college students there...I've never seen so many people before. It was just crazy! Also, my boy David Crowder was one of the worship leaders along with Chris Tomlin, Charlie Hall, Matt Redman, you know the crew. I got to hear Beth Moore, Francis Chan, Louie Giglio, and John Piper speak as they gave great information and encouragement to all of us.

Which brings me up to this weekend, Friday I went wedding dress shopping with my best friend - no I'm not getting married, she is. She picked out a beautiful dress that is absolutely perfect for her. And I think I know what I'll be wearing as her maid of honor and I actually like it. Then I went to a Thrashers game, that's hockey by the way. They lost but it was super fun because I had never been to one before. Then Saturday I crushed the Jr. High in bowling as always! It was so much fun getting to see everybody again, after not being together for several weeks. I start to have withdrawals when we don't meet for so long. Then youth tonight was great, got to see everybody again, and I got to catch up with some students that I haven't seen in a while.

Overall it was a crazy busy month in the midst of a crazy busy year. But I definitely like it that way. As mentioned earlier, I went to Passion and I am so glad that is how I started my year off. It was so refreshing to go to. I really felt like God poured a lot into me, it was like information overload but it was so much of what I need. Sometimes when I feel like I want to learn more that there's not a place for me to go to for that. It can be really discouraging. But I felt totally different this past week at Passion. I was with my peers and they understand what I'm going through and how I feel because they're going through it too. And the people that were leading us had those things in mind as they led. What they did was purposeful and intentional to reach us where we are. I didn't have to do anything and it was like truth and knowledge and wisdom were just there waiting for me. I didn't have any responisbilities it was just freely given. It was nice to receive so much.

That seems to be a theme in my life that God gives me so much of Himself, so many relationships, so many experiences, so many gifts and provision, so much knowledge. I never go in need, I never starve, I've never been homeless, somehow things always work out. Because of that I am slowly learning to trust God more and me less. I realize a little more everyday how much I need God to be in control of my life because when I try to do it on my own it just doesn't work. When God is in control of my life not only does it work, but it flourishes. I am more blessed than I could have ever imagined. And so my prayer is more of Him and less of me.